
MR:2-06 Men in Black

     I spent much of times to understand this story. At the first scene, K uses the stick which is able to delete short memories, but I couldn’t understand what happened in the scene. At the next scene, the man who escapes from Edwards changes his eyes. Then, an UFO crashes on a truck in a farm and the farmer becomes violent. I could understand these happenings involve aliens from the space in this scene.                
    In the next scene, strange events continue. Edwards is invited to MiB by K. He goes to MiB, but it wasn’t announced that there was the test. The test seems to be normal for an investigation company. The applicants are normal, too. However, when Edward passes the test, and enters the office, he knows what the company is. Then, I understand the object of this story. There are a lot of aliens, and they work with humans! I think the prelude of this story is long, but it is good because I felt anxious and interested until I knew the identity of K.
    This movie seems like a suspense movie, but this movie has SF and comedy. I had thought this story is difficult, but in fact, this is not so. The interesting scenes for me are the scene that Edward and K meet aliens, because the alien are so cute except Bug. They look like humans or animals. If this story is real, these happenings are so scare, but the aliens are small and cute. In spite of the tense scenes, I didn’t think about it. I liked the alien who looks like a pug.  
    What is unexpected for me is there are not many scenes for the hero of this movie, Edward plays the role as hero. I think K is cooler than Edward. I expect that Edward plays cool activities in the next series which K retired MiB. In the last scene, Edward delates K’s memories of MiB, and K comes to live with his wife. This scene is my most favorite scene in this movie. Edward in this scene is so cool.

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